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第131章(1 / 2)

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“Ths s not to orn.Mss Bnnt,I nsst on ng satsfd. Has h,has y nph,ad you an offr of arrag?”

“Your ladyshp has dclard t to possl.”

“It ought to so; t ust so, hl h rtans th us of hs rason. But your arts and allurnts ay, n a ont of nfatuaton,hav ad h forgt hat h os to hslf and to all hs faly.You ay hav dran h n.”

“If I hav,I shall th last prson to confss t.”

“Mss Bnnt, do you kno ho I a? I hav not n accustod to such languag as ths. I a alost th narst rlaton h has n th orld, and a nttld to kno all hs darst concrns.”

“But you ar not nttld to kno n;nor ll such havour as ths,vr nduc to xplct.”

“Lt rghtly undrstood.Ths atch,to hch you hav th prsupton to aspr,can nvr tak plac.No,nvr.Mr. Darcy s ngagd to y daughtr.No hat hav you to say?”

“Only ths;that f h s so,you can hav no rason to suppos h ll ak an offr to .”

Lady Cathrn hstatd for a ont,and thn rpld:

“Th ngagnt tn th s of a pcular knd. Fro thr nfancy, thy hav n ntndd for ach othr. It as th favourt sh of hs othr, as ll as of hrs.Whl n thr cradls, plannd th unon: and no, at th ont hn th shs of oth sstrs ould accoplshd s thr arrag,to prvntd y a young oan of nfror rth,of no portanc n th orld, and holly unalld to th faly! Do you pay no rgard to th shs of hs frnds?To hs tact ngagnt th Mss d Bourgh?Ar you lost to vry flng of proprty and dlcacy?Hav you not hard say that fro hs arlst hours h as dstnd for hs cousn?”

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