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第20章 团聚20(1 / 2)

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And when he touched her, she shattered into pieces like glass.

或 者 冰 一 样 ,当 他 触 摸 她 时 ,她 像 玻 璃 一 样 碎 裂 。

horrified, Gohan stumbled onto his backside, trying to figure out what he did wrong and what really happened to her.

悟 饭 吓 坏 了 ,他 摔 倒 在 地 ,试 图 弄 清 楚 他 做 错 了 什 么 ,以 及 她 到 底 发 生 了 什 么 事 。

when he looked up, a shadowy, horned figure entered the room through the window.

当 他 抬 头 看 去 时 ,一 个 阴 影 般 的 、有 角 的 人 物 通 过 窗 户 进 入 了 房 间 。

\\\Splendid, my young lad.\\\

“太 棒 了 ,我 的 年 轻 小 伙 子 。”

that slithery voice could only belong to one man.

那 种 蛇 一 般 的 声 音 只 能 属 于 一 个 人 。

his wretched face came into clear view, revealing none other than Frieza and his sadistic smile of pleasure.

他 那 可 憎 的 脸 庞 清 晰 可 见 ,显 露 出 的 正 是 弗 里 萨 和 他 那 令 人 发 指 的 幸 福 笑 容 。

\\\I just allowed her in here and let you do the rest.

why go to the effort of destroying things when you can do it for me, right?\\\

“我 只 是 让 她 进 来 ,让 你 来 处 理 剩 下 的 事 情 。为 什 么 费 心 去 破 坏 东 西 ,当 你 可 以 为 我 做 这 件 事 呢 ,对 吧 ?”

As Gohan panted heavily, the room went black.


the walls, the bed, even the floor just turned into a void of shadows.


Laying beneath Frieza\\u0027s feet was Kobe, a basketball embedded in his crushed skull.


Next to his body? Kiyomi\\u0027s corpse.


After Gohan blinked, they were joined by another guest - Vegeta, hanging by the collar of his armor in Frieza\\u0027s grip.


the once great prince was on death\\u0027s door, gasping for air with a face stained in blood and bruises.


\\\Your monkey prince has just about had it, Gohan.

\\\but he could never truly contend with me.

\\\A tragically wasted life, wouldn\\u0027t you think?\\\




\\\Vegeta!\\\ Gohan shouted, desperately reaching his arm out.


Vegeta spat out a wad of blood and glared at Gohan with pure contempt.


\\\don\\u0027t you dare speak my name, you worthless fucking half-breed.

\\\You killed me, not Frieza.

\\\You and your pathetic sentiments.\\\




with his cacophonic laughter, Frieza tossed Vegeta at Gohan like he was just a prop.


Gohan jumped up with his arms spread wide; as soon as he caught Vegeta, he, too, shattered.


\\\dear me,\\\ Frieza said, slapping a hand over his mouth in shock.

\\\I was actually offering my favorite pet some mercy and you just couldn\\u0027t help yourself, could you?\\\



Gohan hopelessly picked up the shattered pieces of Vegeta and Arepa, trying not to scream in despair.


was this just what he did? bring destruction and grief to everything he touched?


\\\hey, kiddo, you alright?\\\


bulma had stumbled onto the scene, seemingly unaware of the monster across from Gohan as she reached out to him.


Instead of accepting her sympathy, though, Gohan growled indignantly.


\\\Get out of here!\\\ he swiped his hand towards her; with his sheer strength, the power of the gust destroyed her, too.


\\\And down goes another!\\\ Frieza cackled.

\\\You are on a RoLL! And to think I tried to have you killed!\\\



All Gohan could do was tug at his hair, pulling out strand after strand and inviting the pain that came along with them.


he deserved it all; and deserved to rot for being a weakling.


\\\Ah, and we have a few more guests in attendance for the horror show, too! It IS family night, after all!\\\



when Gohan looked up, he saw three ice sculptures in front of him.


one, his mother, in her favorite purple dress.


And right next to her, it was Goku - and he was holding a boy in his arms.


Yellow tunic, green pants, a red hat, and a brown, furry tail - it was his son.


his perfect, pure-hearted bundle of joy.


\\\well, young lad, I can\\u0027t let you gobble up all the fun - so let\\u0027s just say I cut out the middleman and finish your family off myself.\\\


\\\No, don\\u0027t!\\\


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